
Talking Points/Handout


Tomales Point Area Plan

Some positive news for a change, and a big opportunity is here. The National Park Service (NPS) is actually considering taking down the horrible elk fence, the same fence that we have been fighting so hard to get removed. You may recall that previously the NPS said we were misleading the public about the situation involving these rare elk - something that could not be further from reality. In fact it was Mission Rewild founder Matthew Polvorosa Kline who uncovered this die-off and exposed the truth. The photographs, videos, interviews, rallies, letters and more have clearly spoken volumes. We cannot be more grateful for all of our friends, followers, and supporters who have taken the time to join us in this journey. We are so grateful to the many of you who have acted, assisted, and contributed with your own time and energy to get things where they stand now.

We thank the NPS for taking this important first step and for listening and finally acknowledging that public citizens care deeply about public land in Point Reyes and that sometimes there are people out there just trying to do the right thing and speak up for the wildlife with whom we share this planet with. Freeing this herd and improving their living conditions in our National Seashore is what a National Park should prioritize.

Nevertheless, the work is far from done. The NPS needs to hear from you directly before their comment period on their proposed plan closes on September 25th. We need to get the word out. The only way we are going to get this fence removed is if we keep the pressure on the NPS to do the right thing and carry through with their proposal.

It is critical that you tell/comment to the NPS that you “support their Alternative B proposed action, which removes the elk fence and frees the confined elk”

Please click on the button to go to the NPS site to comment:

We will be releasing some talking points to consider covering in your comments in the coming days so please stay tuned for updates. Alternatively you can see our Save the Tule Elk project page for additional information. Thank you!


New Petition

Our new petition is up and running. When it comes to the Tomales Point Tule Elk, we want to keep the pressure on the National Park Service to do the right thing - take down the fence and free these elk once and for all.

Please sign our petition (hosted through Change.org) by clicking on the button below. Thank you!